Deliver high business-value to user updates 20x faster

Sign up for our 3-day in-person events where individuals from different places come together to immerse themselves in DevOps and Agile ways-of-working. Learn about agility, share your experiences and create a tool-kit of delivery and technical practices to use with your teams.

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Loved by teams at

Are you having problems with...

  • Your CTOs facing challenges aligning execution plans with business goals despite having a clear vision and strategy?
  • Teams prioritising technology tools over the crucial cultural shift DevOps demands, like enhanced collaboration, breaking down silos, and creating a blame-free, shared responsibility environment?
  • Misalignment between DevOps processes and business goals leading to resource wastage and ineffective results. Teams often neglecting to define clear, measurable objectives for their DevOps initiatives, resulting in ambiguity and poor performance?

This engagement is for you if you want to...

Create a Clear Innovation Vision

Stellafai workshops cut through the ambiguity, helping teams set precise, strategic innovation goals tailored to your business's needs.

Unify Cross-Functional Teams

Our workshops promote unity, aligning different teams around a shared vision of innovation. We bridge the gap between function and vision, making collaboration seamless.

Define Measurable Outcomes

We focus on results. Stellafai workshops provide the skills to set tangible metrics for your innovation initiatives, turning abstract concepts into concrete, trackable outcomes.

Where is it?

Our Open Enrollment workshops are in-person, held in London (exact venue confirmed per workshop) 

How long is this workshop?  

This is a 3-day workshop, from 9am-5pm. Facilitated by Stellafai's coaching team.

How can I sign up?

At the moment, please register your interest your interest, and we'll be in touch once the next workshop is live! 

How it works...


Sign-up to our open enrollment course! Take the first step towards Agile ways of working with a group of like minded peers. We'll send through a questionnaire to learn about your context and challenges, to make the workshop as contextual as possible.


We meet at our venue, and start the workshop! Combining leading frameworks for continuous discovery and delivery with cultural and technical practices in a unique, engaging experience mirroring real-world scenarios. Participants experience and implement cultural shifts that are utilised in many successful DevOps adoption journeys, utilising tools like Impact Mapping, Event Storming, and Metrics-based Process Mapping.


After the engagement, you'll have a dedicated coach for additional support. They'll offer guidance, check-in regularly, and answer any questions. All coaching is captured in a dedicated space for easy access by you and your team.

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What do our participants say?

"Very engaging and results driven"

Is this the right immersive engagement for you?

We're happy to answer any questions!
Book a 20-minute call with Tim

Book a call 🚀


What are some of the Key Takeaways I can expect?
  • All assets from the workshop captured and digitized
  • The resulting strategic goals, measures and supporting information configured in Stellafai
  • Reference guides to all methods used during the workshop for future use
  • Video montage to show in 1-2 minutes the impact of the workshop
  • A dedicated coach assigned to mentor and support you after the workshop, initially for 3 months
Can I personalise any of your engagements?

Yes! We want the engagements to be as contextual and specific to your circumstances as possible. For our organisation wide engagements, we'll have discovery calls with you prior to the workshop to ensure we're fully on board with your context. For our open enrollment courses, we'll send through a questionnaire to learn about your context and challenges.

What time zones do you work in?

We're UK based, but willing to (and have!) travelled abroad to facilitate workshops. Get in touch! 

Who will be running the session?

Our awesome team of coaches will be facilitating the session. You can learn more about them here.

Can I take part in any of these workshops as an individual?

Yes! If you're interested in attending this workshop with a group of individuals from lots of different companies, then check out our open enrollment page here for dates and further info! 

Can I pay for this with my L&D Budget?

Absolutely! You can use your Learning & Development budget to cover the cost of part or all of our Open Enrollment Workshops. Our workshops are designed to provide valuable skills, networking, and accreditation that align well with typical L&D objectives.

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